Mathematical Emptiness: The Illusion-like Effectiveness of Mathematical Mind
The view of the interdependent genesis of the two realms of dualistic manifestation; the realm of ‘physicality’, which is the objective aspect of the dualistic manifestation from the deeper, unitary, implicate (to use a term for levels of non-duality used by physicist David Bohm) dimension of Mindnature, and the subjective realm of individuated ‘mentality’ solves a crucial puzzle that has bothered many physicists and mathematicians. Eugene Wigner, for instance, referred to what he considered to be the ‘unreasonable effectiveness’ of mathematics in describing and explaining the physical world of ‘nature’; he called mathematics a ‘miracle’ and ‘a wonderful gift that we neither understand nor deserve.’ However, if both the realm of mentality and physicality emerge from a deeper level of universal Mindnature then it is surely not such a great mystery that mathematics, itself a product of mind, produces the conceptual patterns generated and followed by the ‘physical’ functioning of reality.