TGD Based View Concerning Cosmology & Astrophysics
This article is about various topics related to cosmology and to the physics of galaxies, stars and planets and was inspired by several inputs. The first section is about primordial cosmology and describes the TGD counterpart of inflation. The proposal is that the fluctuations of CMB background can be understood number-theoretically as being induced by the fluctuations of the effective Planck constant. This also suggests a solution of the problem posed by two different values of Hubble constants in terms of especially large local upwards fluctuation of the value of heff from heff =h. The second section is about several important aspects of TGD inspired cosmology. The findings of JWST force us to ask which came first: supermassive blackholes of galaxies. The recently discovered weak lensing effects lend support for the very long cosmic strings, which represent a key notion in TGD inspired cosmology. Besides dark matter there is also the problem of missing baryonic matter: for some reason 30 per cent of baryons are missing. Furthermore, the quite recent finding of JWST related to supermassive blackhole challenges the GRT based notion of blackhole. The third section is about the recent TGD view of the physics of stars and planets. The stimulus came from the discovery of a planet that should not exist: the planet has the mass scale of Neptune but the mass of the star is 1/9:th of the solar mass. TGD based model for the formation of galaxies, stars and planets is based on the notion of cosmic strings which produce monopole flux tubes provides and explanation for the finding and leads to considerably more detailed model for the evolution of stars making a rather dramatic prediction: the element abundances should depend only weakly on cosmic time: the first support for this prediction came already 20 years ago and JWST has provides additional support for it.