Finite Fields & TGD
TGD involves geometric and number theoretic physics as complementary views of physics. Almost all basic number fields: rationals and their algebraic extensions, p-adic number fields and their extensions, reals, complex number fields, quaternions, and octonions play a fundamental role in the number theoretical vision of TGD. Even a hierarchy of infinite primes and corresponding number fields appears. At the first level of the hierarchy of infinite primes, the integer coefficients of a polynomial Q defining infinite prime have no common prime factors. P = Q hypothesis states that the polynomial P defining space-time surface is identical with a polynomial Q defining infinite prime at the first level of hierarchy. However, finite fields, which appear naturally as approximations of p-dic number fields, have not yet gained the expected preferred status as atoms of the number theoretic Universe. Also additional constraints on polynomials P are suggested by physical intuition. Here the notions of prime polynomial and concept of infinite prime come to rescue. Prime polynomial P with prime order n =p and integer coefficients smaller than p can be regarded as a polynomial in a finite field. The proposal is that all physically allowed polynomials are constructible as functional composites of irreducible prime polynomials satisfying P = Q condition.