Some New Ideas Related to Langlands Program viz TGD
Langlands' program seeks to relate Galois groups in algebraic number theory to automorphic forms and representation theory of algebraic groups over local fields and adeles. Langlands program is described by Edward Frenkel as a kind of grand unified theory of mathematics. In the TGD framework, M8-M4 x CP2 duality assigns to a rational polynomial a set of mass shells H3in M4 ⊆ M8 and by associativity condition a 4-D surface in M8, and its it to H = M4 x CP2. M8-M4 x CP2 means that number theoretic vision and geometric vision of physics are dual or at least complementary. This vision could extend to a trinity of number theoretic, geometric and topological views since geometric invariants defined by the space-time surfaces as Bohr orbit-like preferred extremals could serve as topological invariants. Concerning the concretization of the basic ideas of Langlands program in TGD, the basic principle would be quantum classical correspondence (QCC), which is formulated as a correspondence between the quantum states in the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) characterized by analogs of partition functions as modular forms and classical representations realized as space-time surfaces. L-function as a counter part of the partition function would define as its roots space-time surfaces and these in turn would define via Galois group representation partition function. QCC would define a kind of closed loop giving rise to a hierarchy.