Is There a Generalized Way to Represent Entropy?
This is my Response to Glinka’s Commentary. I take the view that reality is actually analog until at a critical limit as when the Octonionic gravity condition kicks in. Then for a time it appears discrete. My work introduced the discreteness of reality through a generalization of Ng infinite quantum statistics. I thank L. Glinka for presenting a highly specialized interpretation of early-universe entropy and seek to show what L. Glinka brought up is a simple version of infinite quantum statistics first proposed by Y. Jack Ng in the journal Entropy in 2008. I add in further details which the readers should be aware of, in particular, how to use the inverse of frequency, as wave lengths, to treat entropy as a counting algorithm, while also adding in the important datum of vacuum energy, as initially brought up in inflaton physics. Finally, I discuss the point raised by Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University that inflation is not necessarily correct. These are important details that I believe Glinka has missed in his criticism of the entropy formula.