Role of Mathematics in Recent Trends of Cosmological Model With Variable Deceleration Parameter
Bianchi type-VIo cosmological model have been investigated with deceleration parameter q = -1 + H, which yields scale factor a = e^(2t + k). The model has non-singular origin and expands exponentially with cosmic time t. We observe that the equation of state parameter (ω) is time dependent. The jerk parameter (j) provides a perfect diagnosis of how dark energy model is closed to ΛCDM dynamics which is in agreement with the recent observations. We also discussed statefinder parameter {r, s} which predicts that the universe in 1the model originates from Einstein era {r, s}={∞, -∞} to ΛCDM model {r, s}={1, 0}. The physical and geometrical properties of cosmological model are also discussed.