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Can Quasi-Time Crystal Be Created by a Fibonacci Process in TGD Point of View?

Matti Pitkänen


This article is a commentary of the work of Dumitrescu et al, which is based on a computer simulation of a quantum computer program realizing unitary evolution believed to make sense as a model for that of time quasi-lattice. We do not really understand what makes the time (quasi-) lattices: the needed physics is not understood. Therefore, the key question is how time (quasi-) lattices are possible in TGD Universe: Here zero energy ontology (ZEO) provides a mechanism minimizing the dissipation: Time reversal occurring in state function reductions gives rise to time reversed dissipation and dissipation in reversed time direction looking like automatic error correction. This relates to the long lifetime of entanglement, easy to achieve in the unitary evolution but more difficult in the dissipative real world.

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