Can the Initial Stellar Mass Distribution of Galaxy Really Depend on Its Distance from Earth?
Initial mass function (IMF) is used in the modeling of the galaxies. IMF would be the initial distribution of stellar masses as a given galaxy started to evolve about 10-13.6 billion years ago. It would be very natural to assume that the IMF is universal and the same for all galaxies, and this has indeed been done. The candidate for a universal IMF has been determined from the data related to the Milky Way and its satellites. There are however several candidates for the galactic IMF. It has been however found that the IMF depends on the distance of the galaxy from Earth and that the IMFs tend to concentrate on larger stellar masses. The dependence of MF on this distance is in conflict with the standard view about time assuming that the geometric past is fixed. Zero energy ontology (ZEO) of TGD suggests a solution to the paradox.TGD Universe is quantum coherent also in astrophysical scales and "big" state function reductions (BSFRs) reversing the arrow of time occur for stars making them blackholes. This is the case also for Kerr-Newman rotating blackholes. Also quasars as white holes become galactic blackholes with an arrow of time opposite to that for a distant environment. ZEO implies that the geometric past and thus the IMF of the galaxy changes in the sequence of BSFRs. A simple argument based on the fact that massive stars have shorter age shows that the IMF for large distances from Earth indeed is concentrated on larger stellar masses.