Comparison of Electric Universe Hypothesis & TGD
Electric Universe scenario in its extreme form postulates that electromagnetic fields are enough to explain gravitation and even nuclear fusion. From TGD viewpoint this vision is unrealistic. Wes Johnson however gave links to two Youtube videos related to Electric Universe telling about extremely interesting physical findings providing applications for TGD if take seriously. The first video was about the anomalies related to the craters of the Moon and second describe the claimed findings of SAFIRE team having a nice interpretation in TGD framework using the notions of monopole flux tubes and dark matter as hierarchy of phases of ordinary matter with non-standard value of Planck constant implying that electromagnetism has deep implications in arbitrarily long scales. The question in TGD is therefore not about whether electromagnetism (of gauge interactions in general) or gravitation is enough to understand cosmology and astrophysics: both are needed and in the sense of TGD.