Is Gravity a Fundamental Force?
When a stone falls to the Earth, there is no doubt its falling reveals a force we must all live with – throughout our lives. And yet, there is a debate among scientists as to whether gravity is a fundamental force of the universe or not. We know there is a hierarchy among the forces, but typically assume there is an anomaly with gravity – because it is the weakest force, yet thought to have split from the unified force in the early universe. The work of Jacobson, Verlinde, Padmanabhan, and others, suggests we should instead see gravity as a consequence of the remaining forces – rather than a fundamental force – and this view gives unique insights into possible quantum gravity theories and the nature of gravity itself. What if gravity is different because it comes mainly from asymmetry instead of symmetry? This paper explores relationships between entropic or dissipative forces and gravitation, in regards to whether gravity is indeed a fundamental force in Physics, is a residual or consequence of other forces that are fundamental, or if all forces are the consequence of just one unified field of interactions – and sub-ranges thereof. The author’s prior work involving the Mandelbrot Set and Physics analogues suggests this third case is the correct answer.