Three Anomalies of Hadron Physics from TGD Perspective
Three anomalies related to hadron physics will be discussed. First anomaly relates to proton spin puzzle. The latest discovery is that there are more d- type sea quarks than u- type sea quarks in proton - this is difficult to understand in QCD picture. The contribution of d- quarks to the spin of proton is however smaller than u- type sea quarks. TGD suggests that the notion of sea quark should be replaced with quarks associated with the ends of color flux tubes connecting valence quarks to a triangle like structure. This allows one to understand the anomaly and also why old Gell-Mann model works so well. Also the mass of proton can be deduced with high precision from p-adic mass calculation as will be found. Also the old Aleph anomaly has made a comeback. TGD explanation is in terms of scaled-up variants of b quark forming pion and ρ meson like bound states. One ends up with the identification of production mechanism for both 55 GeV pion-like state and pion and ρ meson like bound states with mass 28 and 30 GeV. The third anomaly is evidence for a new bump with 400 GeV at LHC assumed to be created by gluon-gluon fusion via top quark pair to parity odd state tentatively identified as pseudoscalar Higgs predicted by SUSY scenarios. The mass happens to exactly 512 times that of pseudovector meson ω and one can consider the identification as ρ meson of M89 hadron physics predicted by TGD encouraged also by the large 5 per cent decay width compared to decay with of order 10-5 for ordinary Higgs.