TGD-Based Explanation of Two New Neutrino Anomalies
This article was inspired by two anomalies. ICECUBE Collaboration has found that there is tension between predictions and experimental facts concerning the predicted flavor ratio (approximately 1:1:1) for neutrinos observed in ICECUBE. The standard model production mechanism would be the decay of pions to muonic and electron lepton-neutrino pairs. Second anomaly has been discovered by ANITA collaboration and also the ICECUBE data show it. Cosmic ray showers with total energy about 1 EeV from the interior of Earth not possible in standard model are detected. In this article possible TGD based explanations of these anomalies are discussed. The TGD based explanation of the first anomaly assumes that the lepton-neutrino pairs are produced by third generation weak bosons having correct mass scale about 1.5 PeV if they correspond to Mersenne prime M61. This would predict neutrino flavor ratio differing from the flavor ratio 1:1:1 predicted by the standard model based on the decays of pions. The TGD based explanation of ANITA anomaly assumes that primary cosmic rays have energy about 1 EeV and are MG,47protons, possibly dark. These protons must have long enough free path of order Earth radius before an interaction with the ordinary matter inside Earth in which they would transform to ordinary M107 protons or possibly dark M89protons, which in turn transform to ordinary protons in strong interactions with the ordinary matter. Pions are produced abundantly and they produce lepton-neutrino pairs and neutrinos with flavor ratio 1:1:1. The prediction is that peaks at energies corresponding to the masses of protons of fractal copies of hadron physics assignable to Mersenne primes and Gaussian Mersenne primes could be observed and give direct support for p-adic length scale hypothesis.