Self-interacting Electron as Gauge Field under Separation of Absolute Quantum Motions
The problem of the reason of physical motion needs a review in the framework of quantum theory. The Aristotle's mistake, Galileo-Newton progress, Einstein physical geometry established the fundamental role of the spacetime geometry in the motion of fields and bodies. Quantum theory poses a new question about the motion of the quantum states and its reason in the quantum state space. The standard approach of quantum theory uses so-called method of the classical analogy where the action functional contains in the additive manner three terms: matter (free particles) + free fields + interaction term. Such approach leads to the quantum state space as some space of functions defined on the spacetime.
I think if one tries to understand the peculiarity of the self-interacting quantum particles together with its ``field shell" then the classical scheme should be replaced. Then the role of the spacetime should be revised: the space of the unlocated pure quantum degrees of freedom and its geometry will play the fundamental role and the local dynamical spacetime arises as representation of the internal quantum motions (inverse representation).