Schrodinger & Creation
The solution to a Schrodinger equation is the basis of a broad theory. The Dirac equation superseded the Schrodinger equation because it is relativistic and has components that accurately represent half spin particles like the electron and quarks. This paper presents a way of making the Schrodinger equation relativistic and three dimensional. It is complex enough to represent the neutron, proton and electron but general enough to help us understand nature. Does this equation underlie creation?
The Schrodinger equation described by MIT as unitary evolution [19] has a simple solution: Probability P=1 in the left hand side (LHS) of the Schrodinger equation is equal to the multiple of complex conjugates exp(iEt/H)*exp(-iEt/H) in the right hand side (RHS) where exp(iEt/H) stands for the natural number e to power (iEt/H), i is the imaginary number, H=Planck’s constant, E is field energy and time t is the time around a quantum circle at velocity C. The number 1 has been separated into two expressions that represent waves, but it is a dynamic separation; it repeatedly comes back to 1 as time moves forward. The idea that nature originates as a series of separations is an old idea, for example, recall that Genesis contains the words “So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the ... as Genesis 1:7 ends with the phrase 'from the water above it [the expanse]'. Another phrase from Genesis is “in the beginning was the word”.
Consider a beginning with zero energy. This avoids the endless argument that things are made of other things, ad infinitum. Meaningful equal and opposite energy pairs come into existence at the same time but represent zero overall. Also consider probability one as a beginning condition. It means the universe exists. But the Schrodinger equation indicates that probability (information by Shannon’s formula [9]) and energy are co-created. Every particle in nature has associated probability components that match its energy components. There are reasons to believe that components of probability are the basis of perception.