The author proposes a special nonlinear quantum field theory. In a linear approximation, this theory mathematically can be presented in the form of the Standard Model (SM) theory. The richer physical structure of this nonlinear theory makes it possible to exceed the limits of SM and remove its known incompleteness. We show that nonlinearity of the field is critical for the appearance of charges and masses of elementary particles, for confinement of quarks, and many other effects, whose description within the framework of SM causes difficulties. In this case, the mechanism of generation of masses is mathematically similar to Higgs's mechanism, but it is considerably simpler. The proposed theory does not examine the theory of gravity, but give the base to build Lorentz-invariant gravitation theory. The book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying the theory of elementary particles, as well as for specialists working in this field.
Alexander G. Kyriakos, E-mail: a.g.kyriak@hotmail.com