Recent Views About Twistorialization in TGD Framework (Part II)
The recent view about twistorialization in TGD framework is discussed. A proposal made already earlier is that scattering diagrams as analogs of twistor diagrams are constructible as tree diagrams for CDs connected by free particle lines. Loop contributions are not even well-defined in zero energy ontology (ZEO) and are in conflict with number theoretic vision. The coupling constant evolution would be discrete and associated with the scale of CDs (p-adic coupling constant evolution) and with the hierarchy of extensions of rationals defining the hierarchy of adelic physics. Logarithms appear in the coupling constant evolution in QFTs. The identification of their number theoretic versions as rational number valued functions required by number-theoretical universality for both the integer characterizing the size scale of CD and for the hierarchy of Galois groups leads to an answer to a long-standing question what makes small primes and primes near powers of them physically special. The primes p ∈ {2,3,5} indeed turn out to be special from the point of view of number theoretic logarithm. The reduction of the scattering amplitudes to tree diagrams is in conflict with unitarity in 4-D situation. The imaginary part of the scattering amplitude would have discontinuity proportional to the scattering rate only for many-particle states with light-like total momenta. Scattering rates would vanish identically for the physical momenta for many-particle states. In TGD framework the states would be however massless in 8-D sense. Massless pole corresponds now to a continuum for M4 mass squared and one would obtain the unitary cuts from a pole at P2=0! Scattering rates would be non-vanishing only for many-particle states having light-like 8-momentum, which would pose a powerful condition on the construction of many-particle states. This strong form of conformal symmetry has highly non-trivial implications concerning color confinement.
The key idea is number theoretical discretization in terms of "cognitive representations" as space-time time points with M8-coordinates in an extension of rationals and therefore shared by both real and various p-adic sectors of the adele. Discretization realizes measurement resolution, which becomes an inherent aspect of physics rather than something forced by observed as outsider. This fixes the space-time surface completely as a zero locus of real or imaginary part of octonionic polynomial. This must imply the reduction of "world of classical worlds" (WCW) corresponding to a fixed number of points in the extension of rationals to a finite-dimensional discretized space with maximal symmetries and Kahler structure. The simplest identification for the reduced WCW would be as complex Grassmannian - a more general identification would be as a flag manifold. More complex options can of course be considered. The Yangian symmetries of the twistor Grassmann approach known to act as diffeomorphisms respecting the positivity of Grassmannian and emerging also in its TGD variant would have an interpretation as general coordinate invariance for the reduced WCW. This would give a completely unexpected connection with supersymmetric gauge theories and TGD. M8picture implies the analog of SUSY realized in terms of polynomials of super-octonions whereas H picture suggests that supersymmetry is broken in the sense that many-fermion states as analogs of components of super-field at partonic 2-surfaces are not local. This requires breaking of SUSY. At M8level the breaking could be due to the reduction of Galois group to its subgroup G/H, where H is normal subgroup leaving the point of cognitive representation defining space-time surface invariant. As a consequence, local many-fermion composite in M8 would be mapped to a non-local one in H by M8-H correspondence.