Is Phase Transition from M107 Hadron Physics to M89 Hadron Physics Counterpart for De-confinement Phase Transition?
Quark gluon plasma assigned to de-confinement phase transition predicted by QCD has turned out to be a problematic notion. The original expectation was that quark gluon plasma (QGP) would be created in heavy ion collisions. A candidate for QGP was discovered already at RHIC but did not have quite the expected properties such as black body spectrum behaving like an ideal liquid with long range correlations between charged particle pairs created in the collision. Then LHC discovered that this phase is created even in proton-heavy nucleus collisions. Now this phase has been discovered even in proton-proton collisions. The observed enhancement of production of strange particles is interpreted as a support for QGP but the details do not seem to conform with QCD predictions. It has been also found that the direct production of J/$\Psi$ mesons containing c quark pair does not conform with Pythia simulation. These findings are something unexpected and both a challenge and opportunity to TGD.
In TGD framework QGP is replaced with quantum critical state appearing in the transition from ordinary hadron physics characterized by Mersenne prime M107 to dark variant of M89 hadron physics characterized by heff/h=n=512. At criticality partons are hybrids of M89 and M107 partons with Compton length of ordinary partons and mass m(89) ≤ 512m(107). Inequality follows from possible 1/512 fractionization of mass and other quantum numbers. The observed strangeness enhancement can be understood as a violation of quark universality if the gluons of M89 hadron physics correspond to second generation of gluons, whose couplings necessarily break quark universality. The simplest hypothesis is that the family charge matrices acting on family triplets are same for quarks and leptons and also for all bosons. This allows to understand qualitatively both the strangeness enhancement and the deviation of J/Psi production from QCD predictions. Second generation weak bosons could in turn explain also the violations of lepton universality observed in B-meson decays, the anomaly of muon anomalous magnetic moment, and the different values of proton radius deduced from hydrogen and muonium atoms.