On the Basics of Nuclear Quantum Gravity
To have a unified model of nuclear quantum gravity, it seems quite reasonable to consider a large nuclear gravitational constant, 3.33x1028 m3kg-1sec-2. Qualitatively, this idea is in agreement with “Strong gravity” concept proposed by Abdus Salam and C.Sivaram [Mod. Phys. Lett., A8(4), 321-326 (1993)]. In this context, we show practical applications pertaining to micro physics as well as macro physics. We would like to suggest that:(1) plays a crucial role in understanding quantum theory of light, photoelectric work functions, superconductivity, nuclear binding energy, nuclear root mean square charge radii, neutron-proton mass difference, nuclear stability, nuclear magnetic dipole moments, weak coupling angle, Fermi’s weak coupling constant, proton melting point and total energy of electron in Hydrogen atom etc.; (2) Newtonian gravitational constant and the proposed play a joint role in understanding neutron star mass generation as well as proton mass generation; and (3) Considering as a characteristic feature of magnetism, celestial bodies ‘mass dependent’ magnetic dipole moments can be estimated.