Emergent Gravity & Dark Universe
Eric Verlinde has published an article entitled Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe. The article represents his recent view about gravitational force as thermodynamical force described earlier and suggests an explanation for the constant velocity spectrum of distant stars around galaxies and for the recently reported correlation between the real acceleration of distant stars with corresponding acceleration caused by baryonic matter. In the following I discuss Verlinde's argument and compare the physical picture with that provided by TGD. I have already earlier discussed Verlinde's entropic gravity from TGD view point. Before continuing it is good to recall the basic argument against the identification of gravity as entropic force. The point is that neutron diffraction experiments suggest that gravitational potential appears in the Schrodinger equation. This cannot be the case if gravitational potential has thermodynamic origin and therefore follows from statistical predictions of quantum theory: to my opinion Verlinde mixes apples with oranges.