LRS Bianchi Type-II Cosmological Models with Anisotropic Dark Energy
In this paper we have studied locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type II universe filled with an anisotropic fluid with variable equation of state parameter. Two different physically viable models of the universe are presented in two types of cosmologies. In the first model M1 the exact solutions of the field equations are obtained for negative constant value of the deceleration parameter, where as in second model M2 the solutions of the field equations are obtained by utilizing the hybrid expansion law for the mean Hubble parameter. The model M1 is accelerated expanding for all finite times where as the model M2 gives an early decelerating and late time accelerating universe approaching to a de Sitter universe at late time. The physical and the geometric behaviours of the models have also been discussed. We observe that both anisotropic models approach isotropy for late time which is consistent with recent cosmological observations.