The Arrow of Time Problem: Answering if Time Flow Initially Favouritizes One Direction Blatantly
The following article begins an analysis of if by first principles there is a way to show time unidrectionality at the start of creation. Recently J. Vaccarro appealed to Kaon physics to show how time asymmetry could be violated after the big bang, as well as how and why time asymmetry vanishes later. We examine the nature of the evolution Hamiltonian after stepping through Vacarro’s analysis and go to where we think it needs to be improved. This answers questions to if both the CPT theorem and related physics are manifestly violated, or not violated at the beginning of emergent space time, via judicious use of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, a base of quantum cosmology and quantum gravity. We initially detail the limits of a derivation given the authors by Vaccaro which claims using of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, and suggest ways to suppress the CPT violation, as suggested by Kaon physics after inflation at the onset of inflation, using refinements suggested by the authors. We propose to support the Kauffmann treatment of CPT violation as the useful one, as well, and will be part of long term solutions to this problem. Note that though, Vaccaro incorrectly identifies a Euclidian representation of the Hamiltonian (energy) function as equal to the Hamiltonian constraint, which leads to identifying the Schrodinger equation used for Kaon physics with the Wheeler-DeWitt equation as written by Vaccaro is still usual non-relativistic time-dependent quantum mechanics and not necessarily linkable to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, which in the result of primary quantization of the Hamiltonian constraint and has manifestly absent time, in the vicinity of a ‘quantum bounce’, or singularity.