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ER = EPR & TGD Framework
One objection against ER=EPR correspondence proposed by Susskind and Maldacena is that it seems to be conflict with the linearity of quantum mechanics. Superposition of pairs defining entangled state is accompanied by wormhole unlike the state pairs in superposition. In TGD framework this problem is not encountered. Magnetic flux tubes serve as correlates of entanglement irrespective of the character of entangled systems. The superposition holds by strong form of holography (SH) for fermionic states at partonic 2-surfaces and quantum classical correspondence (QCC) implies that the geometry and topology of space-time surface correlate with the quantum numbers of fermionic states and also with their entanglement properties. Entanglement makes states genuinely 3-dimensional despite SH but does not imply emergence of 3-space or space-time.