More about Induced Spinor Fields & TGD Counterpart for Higgs
The well-definedness of em charge has turned out to be very powerful guideline in the understanding of the details of fermionic dynamics. Although induced spinor fields have also a part assignable space-time interior, the spinor modes at string world sheets determine the fermionic dynamics in accordance with strong form of holography (SH). The twistor lift combined with strong form of holography (SH) and the condition that em charge is well-defined allows to formulate the action principle for induced spinor fields in more detail. Well-definedness of em charge implies that em charged particles can be assigned with string world sheets accompanying magnetic flux tubes assignable to homologically non-trivial geodesic sphere and neutrinos with those associated with homologically trivial geodesic sphere. This explains why neutrinos are so light and why dark energy density corresponds to neutrino mass scale, and provides also new insight about color confinement. The formalism works only for imbedding space dimension D=8. This is due the fact that the number of vector components is the same as the number of spinor components of fixed chirality for D=8 and corresponds directly to the octonionic triality. p-Adic thermodynamics predicts elementary particle masses in excellent accuracy without Higgs vacuum expectation: the problem is to understand fermionic Higgs couplings. The observation that CP2 part of the modified gamma matrices gives rise to a term mixing M4 chiralities contain derivative allows to understand the mass-proportionality of the Higgs-fermion couplings at QFT limit.