New Particle Physics Predicted by TGD: Part II
In this article the focus is on the hadron physics. The applications are to various anomalies discovered during years.
1. Application of the many-sheeted space-time concept in hadron physics. The many-sheeted space-time concept involving also the notion of field body can be applied to hadron physics to explain findings which are difficult to understand in the framework of standard model. The spin puzzle of proton is a two decades old mystery with no satisfactory explanation in QCD framework. The notion of hadronic space-time sheet which could be imagined as string like rotating object suggests a possible approach to the spin puzzle. The entanglement between valence quark spins and the angular momentum states of the rotating hadronic space-time sheet could allow natural explanation for why the average valence quark spin vanishes. The notion of Pomeron was invented during the Bootstrap era preceding QCD to solve difficulties of Regge approach. There are experimental findings suggesting the reincarnation of this concept. The possibility that the newly born concept of Pomeron of Regge theory might be identified as the sea of perturbative QCD in TGD framework is considered. Geometrically Pomeron would correspond to hadronic space-time sheet without valence quarks.
The discovery that the charge radius of proton deduced from the muonic version of hydrogen atom is about 4 per cent smaller than from the radius deduced from hydrogen atom is in complete conflict with the cherished belief that atomic physics belongs to the museum of science. The title of the article {\it Quantum electrodynamics-a chink in the armour?} of the article published in Nature expresses well the possible implications, which might actually go well extend beyond QED. TGD based model for the findings relies on the notion of color magnetic body carrying both electromagnetic and color fields and extends well beyond the size scale of the particle. This gives rather detailed constraints on the model of the magnetic body. The soft photon production rate in hadronic reactions is by an average factor of about four higher than expected. In the article soft photons assignable to the decays of $Z^0$ to quark-antiquark pairs. This anomaly has not reached the attention of particle physics which seems to be the fate of anomalies quite generally nowadays: large extra dimensions and black-holes at LHC are much more sexy topics of study than the anomalies about which both existing and speculative theories must remain silent. TGD based model is based on the notion of electric flux tube.
2. Quark gluon plasma
QCD predicts that at sufficiently high collision energies de-confinement phase transitions for quarks should take place leading to quark gluon plasma. In heavy ion collisions at RHIC something like this was found to happen. The properties of the quark gluon plasma were however not what was expected. There are long range correlations and the plasma seems to behave like perfect fluid with minimal viscosity/entropy ratio. The lifetime of the plasma phase is longer than expected and its density much higher than QCD would suggest. The experiments at LHC for proton proton collisions suggest also the presence of quark gluon plasma with similar properties. TGD suggests an interpretation in terms of long color magnetic flux tubes containing the plasma. The confinement to color magnetic flux tubes would force higher density. The preferred extremals of K\"ahler action have interpretation as defining a flow of perfect incompressible fluid and the perfect fluid property is broken only by the many-sheeted structure of space-time with smaller space-time sheets assignable to sub-$CD$s representing radiative corrections. The phase in question corresponds to a non-standard value of Planck constant: this could also explain why the lifetime of the phase is longer than expected.