Is there a Scaled up Variant of Hadron Physics at 0.5 TeV Energy
p-Adic length scale hypothesis strongly suggests a fractal hierarchy of copies of hadron physics labelled by Mersenne primes. M89 hadron physics whose mass scales relates by a factor 512 to that of ordinary M107 hadron physics was predicted already for 15 years ago but only now the TeV energy region has been reached at LHC making possible to test the prediction. Pions of any hadron physics are produced copiously in hadronic reactions and their detection is the most probable manner how the new hadron physics will be discovered if Nature has realized them. Neutral pions produce monochromatic gamma pairs whereas heavy charged pions decay to quark pair or intermediate gauge boson and quark pair. The first evidence -or should we say indication- for the existence of M89 hadron physics has now emerged from CDF which for more than two years ago provided evidence also for the colored excitations of tau lepton and for leptohadron physics. What CDF has observed is evidence for the production of quark antiquark pairs in association with W bosons and the following arguments demonstrate that the interpretation in terms of M89 hadron physics might make sense.